Creative Critical Reflection

1. Our product challenges convections by reinventing that music can be. Music isn’t just a collection of notes and sounds; it’s a collection of the passions of humankind. Music truly transcends words and I think our commercial encapsulates that meaning of music and its full emersion of the human soul. This product also represents the issue of needing music to escape an ugly reality. Many teens have such a horrible life in school and at home, which is why they rely on music as their form of escapism. The full emersion mode of air pods can really help someone who is going through a time that they need to escape. 2. Our product engages with the audience by using colorful visuals and passion. People love passionate and energetic commercials that draw their attention. We completed this by utilizing colorful lights, techno and futuristic themed costumes, and un upbeat song choice. Realistically, this commercial would be distributed as ads on YouTube, TV, and the Super ...