Schedules, Driving, Help, and Location

    Finding people to help film, set up, and most importantly be in this video was not a challenge this go around. We learned who can help us and who is never available. Mary oversaw finding people to help us with this task and it was surprisingly not hard. We chose Emma because she is in our class period and a friend of Mary’s. As for Kai it was a bit of a last-minute decision. Kai is in college now and Mary never really gets to see them. They were trying to think of a way to see each other because Kai was coming down for spring break! So, Mary suggested that they come to film, it ended up being a really good idea. They played the role quite well. Mary had asked the group two weeks before to ensure that they could come. Mary basically stole Kai for Sunday night, but they were okay with it.

    However, there was one issue. Emma wasn’t sure on she would get to Mary’s. Emma and Mary ended up working something out. Mary was going to pick Emma up from work since her job was not too far away. She did this at 5:30 so they had time to figure out Emma’s costume for Yaga and so that the dogs could get used to having someone new in the house. We hung out for a while until Elena arrived. As for Kai, they were at their dad's house. Which is technically not that far away but they had to wait for their dad to come home before they could come over. This allowed for a perfect amount of time to find their costume then eventually wait for the sun to set.  


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