
Gaining the right to copy right to a song honestly is a bit of a headache. The creator we originally wanted to feature was surpassingly hard to reach out about obtaining the right to copy
righted material. The song we originally wanted to use is called Aline by Jarvis Cocker a British singer/song writer who began his career in 1978. Before putting out solo work he was in different bands throughout is career. Aline is a song entirely in French. We believed that it would be a good fit for our short film because the Vampires do know the language. However the song would work nicely after being put over the time where the vampires waltz . One very notable part of his career was playing the lead singer in “Wired Sisters” band in Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire. Mary attempted to look for a way to contact the artist however was unsuccessful in her efforts and may have accidentally contacted the BBC.... how is happened well Jarvis Cocker had a Sunday Show on BBC which had an email contact.

    After finding another email and never receiving a response from either of the emails it was time to find a plan B. Mary watched a video on how we could possibly buy the right to the song, the website was called LICKD this website had hundreds of song you could purchase a copy-write to. The only thing wrong with this was that this website did not have the song we wanted to use. It took a lot of searching and headaches before finally finding something we could use. Elena found a website called slip.strea . This website advertises royalty free music for creators for free. Which was exactly what we needed. When we found this website we both had to look through the thousands of songs to find one that fit. Happy to announce that we did eventually find a song we both agreed fit with the scene we needed it for! The song is called the heart knows.  



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