
After Mary sent the videos to Elena, she uploaded them to Capcut. Elena then realized that she didn’t have all the shots and asked Mary to send the remaining few. After all of them were uploaded, Elena put the videos in order using the storyboard. She then cropped out the beginning and ending of certain videos to get rid of unnecessary content. In order to remain in the time frame, Elena sped up some shots in the beginning to use up less time. However, this speeding up also gave the videos a happy, cheery feel which matches our challenging convections. After all the scenes were laid out, it was up to Mary to upload the song and edit it so the ending piece would fit with our editing. This would consist of editing the middle, unused parts out and fining out a way to line up the verse and ending perfectly. Mary did this my downloading the song Video Killed The Radio Star by The Buggles from apple music to her laptop. She then inserted the download into an app called (app name). This app is very helpful in mashing together sounds, videos, and other sound editing things.  

We had a problem since the school computers slowed down the video preview on Capcut. This caused us to not be able to edit and talk face to face, which caused more problems to arise. It was hard to find a time when both of us weren’t busy and had time to discuss the editing. After Mary was done sound editing is the app, she sent them to Elena to upload to Capcut. Elena then had to line up all the previously fitted shots with the sound. It was incredibly tedious to extend, shorten, speed up, and slow down all previously edited shots. After everything was lined up Elena told Mary to watch and review it, to which she suggested fixing the lightning in some shots. Elena did this by putting a bit of a darker filter on some of the ending shots to make it ominous looking. One more review by both of us and a friend, and we were done.  


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