Group Blog

 The person I chose to work with for this project is Mary H. Our friend, Ariel, introduced us and we just hit it off. She likes the same shows as me, she likes the same music as me, and we're both obsessed with David Tennant. We're both obsessed with the show Good Omens which is a screen adaption of the best selling novel by Neil Gaiman and Terry Pratchett. One of the main characters, Crowley, played by David Tennant is a demon from hell who has the stop the Apocalypse with an angel, Aziraphale, played by Michael Sheen. Our favorite character is Crowley because he's chaotic, funny, and has a great sense of style. I even brought the same glasses Crowley wears to school one day and she completely fangirled about it. I just love it when I find someone as obsessed about a show as me. She also wants to watch Doctor Who because David Tennant plays the doctor. I've already watched up to season 7 and really want her to watch it as well. Yesterday I revealed to her that David Tennant voices Scrooge McDuck in Ducktales, which is very puzzling if you ask me. We also both have the same  favorite character from The Umbrella Academy; Klaus Haragreeves. He's an emo that can talk to the dead. It's just beyond me how well we get along. Like I've never met someone who laughs at all my jokes. We also both cosplay, but she's a lot better than me. She mainly cosplays Starlord from Gaurdians of the Galaxy, I think. We're also planning to go to this retro diner after home coming, but none of us have cars. But at least we are both going and will be able to hang out with each other without Mr. Katz telling to do work. I'm so excited to work with Mary on this project. 


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