Day 2 of filming occurred on Wednesday, February 28. Zane, Jason, Zeyn, and I all met up at Zane's house to finish filming. First, we had to finish the car scenes before we moved to the scenes in the park. I stood outside while they drove past me to get the establishing/wide shot. Then I went inside the car to film the dialogue scenes between the two detectives. At one point, Zane had to hold the camera himself to film Jason because we needed a medium shot of just Jason, and I can't position myself to film that from the backseat. Once I was done with the car scenes we parked the car in the park. I once again got out of the car and started filming from the ground while Zane parked the car for the shot and ran out. This shot where the detective chase starts took some coordination as the car has to park first, then detective Reynolds runs out, then detective Hoffman runs out. The next set of scenes includes the detective running, which Jason co...
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