Creative Critical Reflection
1. My music video challenges the conve n tion of a seemingly innocent, kid friendly video turned adult and bloody. The music itself is very cheery with deadly lyrics, which is made to reflect the actions taking place in the video. The normality of Radio Star and Video waking and starting their day the same way is part of the deception of what is to come. As the video continues on , the shot of Video putting on the glove is made to be a foreshadowing of sorts. When the scene of Video killing Radio Star occurs, we can see that this “PG” music video has turned “R”. This is made to represent Hollywood censorship and their tendency to put a pretty picture in front of an ugly scene , j ust like the cheer ful music is made to cover the bloody actions. Secret societies, NDA parties , and mafia deals is what Hollywood tries to mask with tv shows and films made to distract us. Censorship over “not happy and distracting” media, like ours, is what people and especially mot...