Sooo... This is how the story goes...

Scenes 1 and 2: Both scenes serve the same purpose: start the day’s of Video and Radio Star. The scene will be high and medium close-up. The camera is going to be above the characters as they wake up in the morning. It parallels their routines and creates a normal begging to a playful and happy song . The use of the high angle Scene s 3 and 4: These scenes also parallel each other. It is to display the differences between the characters and how they are similar. They depict Video and Radio Star getting ready for the day. It adds to the normal cy that we are trying to convey for the first part of the music video. The shots will be medium shots to really show what the characters are wearing to show how different they are from each other. Scene 5 and 6: The point of the last six scenes are to parallel each other and show how the two characters act. This will be a low angle as they both put on their shoes. Scene 7: The medium-close , two shot of the two backu...